CodeIgniter – Just another php framework ??

CodeIgniter logo Somewhere last year (April-May 2007), I started my journey into Web 2.0 . I have a lovely mentor Aik-Siong Koh, who not only inspired me to start learning Smalltalk(Squeak) but also taught me. More of it in another post 🙂

We then started our experimentation with Seaside, which is a brilliant framework built on top of Smalltalk, which can be used for Development of Dynamic and Complex Web apps. Using Seaside, we developed Caartz, which is a free online shopping list manager. More of it in another post again 🙂

After successful deployment of Caartz, I had to look out for other open source technologies as Seaside didn’t have much or any user base in India. I wanted to go in for either PHP or Ruby on Rails (read as Hot Cake). A good friend asked me to help him in customizing WordPress themes for bakarbakar, tphitp and also to develop Fastrevise, for this reason I started of with basic PHP and have plans for Ruby on Rails sometime during next 6 months.

My hunt for a php framework started when I had to develop a php website numberkyahai and it was to be hosted on a server which had PHP version 4. Most of the frameworks such as Zend, Symfony needed PHP version 5. Finally I settled down for CodeIgniter, whose website attracted me to such an extent that I didn’t look out for any other framework.

CodeIgniter was developed by Ellis Rick of EllisLab, who is a rock-band member. The reason for his development was

  1. Most of the frameworks worked only on php 5.
  2. Most of the frameworks had outdated or dispersed documentaion.
  3. Those available documentation assumed that the reader was either a decent or expert php developer and hence novice or amateur php developer would find it difficult to learn a framework.

Probably I will post more about CodeIgniter sometime later. But for people who are looking to start learning PHP or even for the Expert php developers, CodeIgniter is a very good framework worth a try and I assure that you would definitely not regret it. It has got very good and updated User Guide and a couple of Video Tutorials which will guide you through Basic MVC architecture, installation and setup of CodeIgniter and also a Basic Example to get you started.

Shall be posting more on CodeIgniter soon on the following topics

  1. Using CodeIgniter to develop a creative badge/ widget using WidgetBox
  2. Using CodeIgniter to develop a creative badge/ widget using Clearspring
  3. Using CodeIgniter and Google Maps API to develop a User Driven Map related website.
  4. Using CodeIgniter and JavaScript libraries etc

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