Customize Autodesk Inventor API using C# – Part 2

Watch High Resolution video on AR-CAD

I hope you have gone through my previous posts on Inventor API a) Introduction to Autodesk Inventor API and Customization and b) Customize Autodesk Inventor using C#. It is also assumed that you have gone through DevTV: Introduction to Inventor Programming Video, which is on Inventor Customization page. In the above video, we connect to Inventor API from Visual C# (Visual Studio 2005). I have just replaced the VB.NET code that was used in DevTV tutorial with the corresponding C# code. You can see the comparison below. Please note how GetObject in VB.NET is replaced by a much more lengthier code. If the above youtube video is not very clear, watch it on AR-CAD.

[sourcecode language=’vb’]
Dim oApp As Inventor.Application
oApp = GetObject( , “Inventor.Application”)
MsgBox(“Number of open docs = ” & oApp.Documents.Count)

Visual C# Code
[sourcecode language=’c#’]
Inventor.Application oApp;
//The below initialization is on a single line
oApp =

int number_int = oApp.Documents.Count;
string number_string = Convert.ToString(number_int);

MessageBox.Show (“Number of open docs =” + number_string);

4 thoughts on “Customize Autodesk Inventor API using C# – Part 2

  1. Pingback: SmallGuru » Self Tutorials for CAD Customization, Web 2.0, Seaside » Blog Archive » Customize Autodesk Inventor API using C# - Part 3

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