Learn Ruby on Rails through Video Tutorials

Ruby on Rails Logo Finally I intend to begin my journey on Rails (Ruby on Rails). After searching for some quick resources to learn Rails fast, I came across a good number of them which would be shared in this post.

I am hoping I can learn Ruby on Rails faster for the following 2 reasons

  1. I know Smalltalk(Squeak) and Seaside. Seaside is somewhat similar to Ruby on Rails when it comes to Deployment and I have fair experience in Deploying and load-balancing Seaside Website (Caartz) on a Ubuntu-Apache Dedicated Server.
  2. I know CodeIgniter, a kick-ass PHP framework whose Architecture has Ruby on Rails Idealogy such as DRY (Dont Repeat Yourselves) and Convention over Configuration , MVC architecture and also ActiveRecord method of dealing with your Database Query.

Lets begin it this way. The first Google result for “Rails Video Tutorial” was Screencasts page from RubyOnRails official website. The 15 minutes Blog video is truly impressive, but it doesn’t really help a beginner much other than just making his/her jaw drop down. I would recommend if you go through this video after gaining some insight into RoR.

One of the other Google Search result was Virtual Training Company. They specialize in online courses for all Software/Web technologies. The set of Video tutorials for Ruby on Rails has been developed by Mr. Al Anderson . They have some Free online Videos and for the rest of the package you need to register by paying certain amount. If you have bucks, do get yourselves registered and checkout the high-quality videos.

As an alternative to these paid videos, these have been uploaded on Youtube. The main problem with these videos are that since Youtube reduces the quality of the Videos uploaded, you probably cannot clearly makeout the code being typed/shown. Another possible problem to view on Youtube is that these videos (90+ in number) are all Titled “Ruby on Rails”, so its quite painful to go in a particular order.

I shall try to embed these Youtube Videos in individual posts with a short summary of the Video with a Table of Content(List of all the individual videos) in this post.

Disclaimer: The Screencasts are not recorded by me. I have just embedded them from Youtube. The original Videos area a part of Virtual Training Company, who give Online Training and the author for Ruby on Rails Series is Mr. Al Anderson. If you are benefited from these, you may register there by paying certain amount or order a CD from them.

Learn PHP Basics in a Day through Video Tutorials

This is the way I started my journey into PHP. Thought it would help anyone who wants to start PHP development.

Check out KillerPHP . It has Video tutorials on PHP categorized broadly for Beginners and Advanced Users. The series of Video Tutorials comprise of

  1. Introduction to OOPs,
  2. Web-Server-Client Architecture,
  3. Installation of WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) Server on Windows in easiest way
  4. Basic PHP tutorials
  5. Advanced Object Oriented Programming Paradigm using PHP
  6. Introduction to MySQL
  7. Other stuffs you can check out yourselves 🙂

CodeIgniter – Just another php framework ??

CodeIgniter logo Somewhere last year (April-May 2007), I started my journey into Web 2.0 . I have a lovely mentor Aik-Siong Koh, who not only inspired me to start learning Smalltalk(Squeak) but also taught me. More of it in another post 🙂

We then started our experimentation with Seaside, which is a brilliant framework built on top of Smalltalk, which can be used for Development of Dynamic and Complex Web apps. Using Seaside, we developed Caartz, which is a free online shopping list manager. More of it in another post again 🙂

After successful deployment of Caartz, I had to look out for other open source technologies as Seaside didn’t have much or any user base in India. I wanted to go in for either PHP or Ruby on Rails (read as Hot Cake). A good friend asked me to help him in customizing WordPress themes for bakarbakar, tphitp and also to develop Fastrevise, for this reason I started of with basic PHP and have plans for Ruby on Rails sometime during next 6 months.

My hunt for a php framework started when I had to develop a php website numberkyahai and it was to be hosted on a server which had PHP version 4. Most of the frameworks such as Zend, Symfony needed PHP version 5. Finally I settled down for CodeIgniter, whose website attracted me to such an extent that I didn’t look out for any other framework.

CodeIgniter was developed by Ellis Rick of EllisLab, who is a rock-band member. The reason for his development was

  1. Most of the frameworks worked only on php 5.
  2. Most of the frameworks had outdated or dispersed documentaion.
  3. Those available documentation assumed that the reader was either a decent or expert php developer and hence novice or amateur php developer would find it difficult to learn a framework.

Probably I will post more about CodeIgniter sometime later. But for people who are looking to start learning PHP or even for the Expert php developers, CodeIgniter is a very good framework worth a try and I assure that you would definitely not regret it. It has got very good and updated User Guide and a couple of Video Tutorials which will guide you through Basic MVC architecture, installation and setup of CodeIgniter and also a Basic Example to get you started.

Shall be posting more on CodeIgniter soon on the following topics

  1. Using CodeIgniter to develop a creative badge/ widget using WidgetBox
  2. Using CodeIgniter to develop a creative badge/ widget using Clearspring
  3. Using CodeIgniter and Google Maps API to develop a User Driven Map related website.
  4. Using CodeIgniter and JavaScript libraries etc

Startups Meet in Bangalore

OpenCoffee logo Bangalore is seeing a lot of enthusiasm about Startups. Recently held BarCamp Bangalore (BCB6) at IIMB, had been the best BarCamp at Bangalore so far. It witnessed demo from a lot of Startups and wannabe Entrepreneurs.

OpenCoffee Club, which also brings together Startups is scheduled to be held on 11th May. Ms. Anjana Vivek will be coming to throw light on Venture Capital Scenario in India.

More info at Upcoming Events at Bangalore . If you havent registered for Upcoming, its a nice thing to do to keep updated about Events in your City and indicate your interest by either Clicking “I am Going” or “I am Watching”. That surely helps the organizers to get some motivation. Since Upcoming is now a product of Yahoo, you can use your Yahoo ID !, and all the Events registered in Upcoming are automatically listed on Yahoo Locals.

There is also another Startup related activity being held on May 24th at Bangalore. Again for information, check out StartupCity at Upcoming.

Finally, I start Blogging

Ganesha Image

Its been quite a long time since I had thought of starting to Blog. It was mainly my Hectic Schedule and Laziness, more of latter which held me back from doing. Anyways, now that I have decided, I shall try to make this Blog more of my learning experience, which includes Seaside, CodeIgniter and a couple of other Web 2.0 Technologies.

Whatever I feel important, I shall mention about it, be it just a link to a very informative Blog post, as it would also help me maintain my Bookmarks.

Till Now, I was saving all important information onto my Google Notebook. I shall try to move them to this Blog as well.

The reason why I have put Lord Ganesha’s image is due to fact that He is believed to be Solver of all Obstacles. Lets hope I have a nice sailing in the World of Blogging.