Bangalore is seeing a lot of enthusiasm about Startups. Recently held BarCamp Bangalore (BCB6) at IIMB, had been the best BarCamp at Bangalore so far. It witnessed demo from a lot of Startups and wannabe Entrepreneurs.
OpenCoffee Club, which also brings together Startups is scheduled to be held on 11th May. Ms. Anjana Vivek will be coming to throw light on Venture Capital Scenario in India.
More info at Upcoming Events at Bangalore . If you havent registered for Upcoming, its a nice thing to do to keep updated about Events in your City and indicate your interest by either Clicking “I am Going” or “I am Watching”. That surely helps the organizers to get some motivation. Since Upcoming is now a product of Yahoo, you can use your Yahoo ID !, and all the Events registered in Upcoming are automatically listed on Yahoo Locals.
There is also another Startup related activity being held on May 24th at Bangalore. Again for information, check out StartupCity at Upcoming.